Comunicat de presa privind noul presedinte al PGEU

Data: 12/06/2019

The Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU) is the European association representing more than 400,000 community pharmacists.
PGEU’s members are the national associations and professional bodies of pharmacists in 31 European countries, including EU Member States, EEA/EFTA members and EU applicant countries.
For more information, please visit the PGEU website or contact

Today the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union has elected Mr Duarte Santos, Member of the Board of the Portuguese Pharmacy Association (ANF), as PGEU President for 2020, at its General Assembly meeting in Kraków, Poland. 

In his acceptance speech Mr. Santos stressed: “I’m truly honoured to have been appointed as PGEU President 2020. Pharmacy practice is rapidly evolving and shifting the focus from dispensing medicines to advanced patient care and innovative services. It is the role of PGEU to support members through this change by serving as platform to share best practices and by collecting robust evidence on the added value of pharmacy services for health care systems. 
I will also make sure PGEU will provide all community pharmacists across Europe the necessary tools to address the many challenges and opportunities the pharmacy sector is currently facing, including medicines shortages, digitalisation, Big Data, the implementation of the falsified medicines legislation and of the new EU Regulations on medical devices and veterinary medicines. I will also ensure PGEU continues striving for interprofessional collaboration working closely with other EU health professionals’ organizations. 

 PGEU is the “glue” that bonds us together and I look forward to working with all PGEU members and with PGEU team to bring the voice of community pharmacists at the hearth of the EU policy making”. 
Duarte Santos is a passionate community pharmacist. After having completed a Master Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Coimbra in 2008, he acquired a pharmacy in Lisbon which, with resilience, he saved during the most difficult times of the economic crisis in Portugal. Since the beginning of his career, Duarte has taken on the responsibilities of both patient care and the management of the pharmacy. In May 2013, Duarte became a member of the board of ANF and has held several management functions of different departments and projects. International representation of ANF and the institutional relations with the Academy and the Student´s Associations, are also part of his responsibilities at ANF. Since 2014 Duarte is an invited professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon. He is about to obtain an MBA at AESE Business School in Lisbon. 

Farmacist rezident Dotterer-Kiszely Ágnes-Anikó
stiinte farmaceutice


Demodicoza umană este o dermatoză parazitară transmisibilă cauzată de acarienii Demodex, prezenți în foliculii piloși și glandele sebacee umane. Conform studiilor actuale, substanțele conținute de unele uleiuri esențiale cum ar fi uleiul esențial de arbore de ceai, mentă, camfor, salvie s-au dovedit eficiente în tratamentul demodicozei umane. Cercetări ulterioare ar trebui să se concentreze asupra eficacității, toxicității, formulării substanțelor naturale pentru a îmbunătăți potența acaricidă a acestora în demodicoza umană.

dr. farm. Marian Pană

Mă concentrez pe farmacistul de comunitate, respectiv farmacia de comunitate. Nu trebuie să reinventăm roata. Doar sa ne uităm mai la Vest de noi și să înțelegem ce au făcut alții în ultima sută de ani. O să-mi permit să enumăr câteva probleme la care trebuie găsită o rezolvare cât mai rapidă.

univers farmaceutic
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